Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby Bottom Beeswax Balm

Say that one 5 times fast!

This is a recipe my sister in law gave me for a natural diaper balm that is fine to use with cloth diapers. My niece has very sensitive skin and has gone through some pretty severe diaper rash. Apparently, this balm is great for her delicate skin.

1.5 ounces beeswax, grated (approximately ¾ cup)
1 cup olive oil

Herbs (optional)
3 Tablespoons or 2 teabags of chamomile
3 Tablespoons comfry
8 drops calendula oil
Or any other herbs that promote healing and smell nice


Heat the olive oil, add the herbs (if using) and steep for a few minutes. If using loose herbs, strain loose bits out with a cheesecloth. Add grated beeswax and stir until melted. Pour into the containers you will use at the change table or in the diaper bag. Store any extra in a glass jar which can be kept in the fridge. When you are ready to refill, warm the balm in the microwave until melted and carefully pour into containers.

To use, scrape with the back of your thumb nail until you have about a thumb nail worth fluffed up. Use liberally to keep that bottom baby soft!

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